Great businesses require great leadership. But just what does it take to become a great leader?
Most businesses today are over managed and underled. Leadership is very different from management. It has little to do with charisma or a charming personality in the long term. You’re not born with the ability to lead, however science now suggests that genetics could play a role. The good news is leadership abilities can be developed over time. You can become a better leader.
Managers organise, plan, budget, recruit staff and solve problems. Leaders on the other hand set the strategic direction of the business, determine the response to change, align people with opportunity, and inspire and motivate staff to achieve the organisations vision.
Great organisations actively identify leaders, align them with appropriate roles, expose them to challenges, and encourage their development.
Most successful leaders possess a high level of emotional intelligence. This matters significantly more than their intellectual ability, experience and skills. In fact it’s been found to be twice as important!
In other words your effectiveness and success as a leader will largely be determined by your emotional intelligence. Want to become a better leader? Then start with reviewing your emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is made up of 5 components. These are listed below along with some considerations for understanding your ability in these areas.
1. Self-Awareness
This is understanding your moods, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, goals, and what drives you. It’s also understanding their impact on others.
Are you consciously present? Do you plan to ensure your best positioned for success taking into account your character? Do you embrace constructive criticism?
2. Self-Regulation
This involves managing and controlling your emotions and most importantly response. Particularly those that are disruptive or impulsive.
How do you respond to adversity? Have you developed resilience? Is your behaviour consistent? Can you suspend judgement?
3. Motivation
This is your drive to achieve and improve. It’s often revealed when the going gets tough.
Do you possess a desire to make things better including you? Do you learn from failure, own your behaviour and move forward? Do you commit and follow through, giving up the right to choose something better?
4. Empathy
This involves considering the feelings of others, especially when determining a course of action. It’s also crucial for creating rapport and building great relationships.
Do you stop to consider others when making decisions? What’s your service to clients like? Can you sit with someone and appreciate their circumstance?
5. Social Skill
This involves managing relationships, interacting with others, and influencing people. It’s not just friendliness, but in business friendliness with a purpose.
Are you able to garner support for your ideas and find common ground? How effective are you at building networks and leading in times of change? Are you persuasive?
Different business scenarios, environments and roles require different styles of leadership but no matter what your approach you can become a better leader by committing to improving your emotional intelligence.
IMAGE > Aaron Kinnane. Called down from the mountains, written in the sea. Oil on Canvas. 183 x 305 cm.
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